Video Transcription
Avrai la più innegabile esperienza sessuale di sempre.
Come se sapessi che abbiamo qualcosa da festeggiare.
Non vedo l'ora di vedere quanto sei perfetta.
Tu che ne pensi?
E' stato decisamente bello.
Avrai la più innegabile esperienza sessuale di sempre.
Come se sapessi che abbiamo qualcosa da festeggiare.
Non vedo l'ora di vedere quanto sei perfetta.
Tu che ne pensi?
E' stato decisamente bello.
i have always enjoyed watching.
And that is why i love porn.
i have matured beyond how embarassed i was when i was younger.
i was always humiliated.
i embrace it now.
Hi! my name is cindy, and i... like to watch!
i imagine myself in front of a crowd. A Sex-addiction support group!
i imagine standing up, in front of everyone, and admitting my sexual addiction.
Yes, some might find that therapy. They might find that will bring them releif.
But not.. me. 😔
i... find it... exciting!
i think about admitting my addiction in front of a crowd, and then afterward, She approaches me. 😟 She tells me how brave i am. How She admires me! She tells me that She understands my pain.
And then... She kisses me.
i am instantly aware that i have just discovered my new... Mistress.
Yet another Woman.
Another Dominant Woman.
Another Woman who will own me.
Make me do... humiliating things.
And i will...
Love Her.
i will ADORE my new Mistress.
i will call Her.. "Mistress Nicky"